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Messenger New Israel


current magazine


Our magazine appears four times a year and reports up-to-date and well-founded on:

Theological contributions

Political developments in the Middle East with regard to biblical events

Translations and documentation of press campaigns in Israeli daily newspapers

Education about Judaism

Jewish-Christian dialogue

Human rights, democracy

Community work

More news from Israel

Letters to the editor

and much more  ...

Current topics


In the current issue number 228 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The spiritual maze of our time
  2. Annual report of the ZeLeM Association eV
  3. The open culture war is tearing Israel apart
  4. The prophetic word – sign of the end times
  5. Article from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 227 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Editorial
  2. Contents of the 97th press campaign in Israel
  3. Shabbat gathering
  4. Destructiveness of Orthodox Jews

In issue number 226 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Biblical exegesis of Luke chap. 17
  3. Broadcast in “Kulturzeit” – commentary by Mosche Zimmermann
  4. Cremation or burial?
  5. The time of the renewed visitation of Israel
  6. Article from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 225 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Shabbat gathering
  3. An entente of discord
  4. Impressions of my trip to Israel from November 2nd to 30th, 2022
  5. The fight for Israel's future
  6. Letters to the editor

In issue number 224 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. God's Last Witnesses (from Issue 125)
  3. My testimony of God's grace
  4. Wrath and grace of God
  5. Statement of Principles
  6. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 223 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Materialism as a driving force
  3. Anti-Semitic crimes in Germany
  4. Basic principles of eschatology
  5. The end times reveal evil
  6. The end returns to the beginning
  7. Article from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 222 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial: On your 86th birthday
  2. Another sign of the end times is inflation
  3. The end times are taking shape
  4. “The Overlooked Disease”
  5. The anti-Semitism commissioner visits KM Pülz
  6. The end-time constellation in the form of a Russia/China entente
  7. The military encirclement of Israel has begun
  8. The ultra-Orthodox Jews – gravediggers of Israel
  9. The Enemy from the North (Israel)
  10. Russian military spies are spying on attack targets in Germany
  11. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 221 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. War and rumors of war (Matth. 24, 6) - Is the world once again on the brink?
  3. Mission or death

In issue number 220 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Annual report of the ZeLeM Association eV
  3. Letter to the editor
  4. Article from the “Christian Forum”
  5. The “Afghanistan” fiasco
  6. Warning: end-time pangs
  7. Column of cloud and firelight

In issue number 219 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. The dispute breaks out over Jerusalem
  3. Warning: end-time contractions

In issue number 218 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Our time is the beginning of the end times!
  3. Thoughts about the end times
  4. More end-time alarm signals
  5. The totalitarian temptation of Israel
  6. For Klaus Mosche Pülz's 85th birthday
  7. Article from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 217 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Editorial
  2. From our series “Questions about Islam”
  3. The Islamic associations with the rights of the church?
  4. The Koran as the third testament of the Bible
  5. Article from the “Christian Forum”
  6. Barabbas or Christ

In issue number 216 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Editorial
  2. The financial policy of the Evangelical Church and the Zelem Association
  3. The time of the Antichrist is taking shape
  4. The pioneers of the apocalypse (Rev. 6:1ff)
  5. Article from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 215 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Editorial
  2. From our series “Questions about Islam”
  3. Where is the path to good here? (Jeremiah 6:16)
  4. Letter to the editor
  5. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”
  6. What does God have to do with Corona?
  7. God can not be fooled

In issue number 214 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Who comes in his own name
  3. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”
  4. Letter to the editor

In issue number 213 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. From our series “Questions about Islam”
  3. Letter to the editor
  4. The return of the repressed

In issue number 212 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Editorial
  2. Our mission to proclaim in these end times

In issue number 211 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. My personal impressions of my stay at the Messianic Center of the Messianic Confession Movement in Tel Aviv/Jaffo in May of this year
  2. Impressions from our community life in Israel
  3. The destruction of the power of the Holy People
  4. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 210 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. From our series “Questions about Islam”
  2. The Johannes Gerloff scandal
  3. The religious struggle of Klaus Mosche Pülz in Israel
  4. An imposter makes a name for himself

In issue number 209 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. From our series “Questions about Islam”
  2. The church decides to marry everyone
  3. Before the true Advent of Messiah Yeshua
  4. Clear signs of the end times
  5. The eschatological process takes concrete forms
  6. For your diamond wedding anniversary

In issue number 208 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. From the 2017 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  2. Is Judaism the new master race in Israel?
  3. The many faces of the end times
  4. The goal of God's ways with Israel
  5. Various contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 207 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Impressions from our community life
  2. 96th Press Campaign in Israel
  3. The inauguration of the American embassy in Jerusalem and Israel's temptation
  4. The dubious role of the European Union
  5. Our fight against false prophecy
  6. The Israel Report
  7. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 206 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The End Times Report
  2. What still needs to happen first
  3. It's done - just keep it up!
  4. Contributions from the “Christian Forum”

In issue number 205 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. 94th and 95th press campaigns in Israel
  2. The key to the universality of messianism is Yeshua in his servant form
  3. The Messiah Yeshua as a “stone of stumbling” (Isa. 8:14)
  4. Injustice will prevail
  5. The biblical end times are clearly taking shape
  6. The insubordination of anti-democratic Jewish orthodoxy and the end-time signs of our aeon

In issue number 204 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Our messianic confession
  2. Germany on the brink
  3. Israel's external resurrection - the internal one is still pending

In issue number 203 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Talmudic Judaism
  2. 93rd Press Campaign in Israel
  3. From the 2016 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  4. The will of God and us

In issue number 202 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. A study of the psyche of the prophets
  2. The end of the Dead Sea?
  3. The only truth that lasts forever
  4. Messengers of salvation to Israel

In issue number 201 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Arab Christian soldiers within the Israeli army are increasingly coming into the crosshairs
  2. If God has not spared his own people, will he spare an unfaithful Christianity?
  3. From our community life in Israel
  4. Iran – A growing threat to world peace
  5. “Peace, peace and yet no peace”
  6. Who steals whose good land?
  7. Why do you want to die, house of Israel? (Ezek. 33:12)

In issue number 200 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. The intentional foreign infiltration process in Germany and the prescribed ban on thinking and speaking
  2. The many misunderstandings about Islam
  3. Our community meeting
  4. The atavism of Judaism
  5. On the death of Shimon Peres
  6. The “consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25) and the proclamation of the gospel
  7. The danger from the north

In issue number 199 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The right content of human actions
  2. 92nd Press Campaign in Israel
  3. From the 2015 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  4. Israel's conflict with the understanding of democracy
  5. More weapons for a peaceless world
  6. The iniquity of my people (Isa.53:5,8)
  7. Jewish Terror and Crime in Israel

In issue number 198 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. The faithfulness of God and the unbelief of man
  2. For Klaus Mosche Pülz's 80th birthday
  3. My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hos.4:6)

In issue number 197 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The environment of death and its effects
  2. The Son of Man and Israel's Redemption
  3. Is Western Christian culture bankrupt?
  4. The return of Messiah Yeshua
  5. Terror in the Holy Land
  6. Is integration with Muslims possible?
  7. The despise of salvation means judgment
  8. Iran's fake peace is not peace

In issue number 196 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. The other side of God
  2. The modern confusion of minds
  3. The controlled gender seduction
  4. The belief that is not
  5. The Word of God and the Testimony of Yeshua

In issue number 195 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. From the 2014 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  2. 91. Press campaign
  3. The Messianic Witness and Israel's Demographic Plight
  4. The dark side of Israel
  5. Israel's new 34th government
  6. The targeted attack on the biblical form of marriage
  7. Women's struggle for equal rights in Judaism
  8. Until when, LORD?

In issue number 194 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. War or peace in the Middle East
  2. God's universal plan of salvation for all people
  3. Netanyahu's election victory and its challenges
  4. When the guards refuse to do their duty
  5. The teachings of Mohammed are finding their way into German lands

In issue number 193 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Is the day of the LORD near?
  2. The frozen peace in the Middle East
  3. What is right-wing solidarity?
  4. Israel's security situation, the peace process, Germany's dilemma and the unbelief of the church
  5. What do we have to witness to our people in Zion?

In issue number 192 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The purification process
  2. They even slaughtered the children
  3. Christians also feel the hatred in Germany
  4. The triumph of Allah's disciples
  5. Who is he who is coming (Isaiah 63:1f)?
  6. Paul and his letter to the church in Rome
  7. The weakness of the West

In issue number 191 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. 90th press campaign
  2. From the 2013 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  3. A papal visit with consequences for peace in Israel?
  4. A reconciliation without reconciliation with Israel
  5. Increasing instability in the Middle East
  6. Israel's balancing act between anger and God's grace

In issue number 190 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The Axis of Evil
  2. Israel's defense capability in trouble
  3. The peace process with the Palestinians at an end?
  4. The Lord speaks again today through His Word

In issue number 189 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Personal impressions and encounters from a four-week stay in Israel
  2. The peace poker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  3. Israel isolated again and on a collision course
  4. The dark side of Israel

In issue number 188 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Without the Spirit of God we would be disoriented
  2. The power from the root of David (Rev. 5:5)
  3. The confused reflection of our time

In issue number 187 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. 89. Press campaign
  2. Our tireless preaching service to our people in Israel
  3. Israel's hostile alliance in the north
  4. From the 2012 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  5. “Those who have betrayed nothing” (Psalm 25:3)

In issue number 186 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. God's jurisdiction
  2. Bible-faithful proclamation of the gospel
  3. Israel's new government at the 33rd Knesset
  4. Iran – The unrecognized enemy in northern Israel?

In issue number 185 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The end times are taking shape
  2. The danger of a world fire
  3. The Abomination of Desolation
  4. More reports from Israel

In issue number 184 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. From the 2011 economic report of ZeLeM – Verein eV
  2. When man makes himself the measure of all things
  3. “(…) He who chose Jerusalem” (Zech. 3:2)
  4. Anti-Christianity and anti-Semitism on the rise

In issue number 183 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Content of the 88th press campaign
  2. God's hand is stretched out for judgment
  3. The countdown to Israel is on
  4. More reports from Israel

In issue number 182 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. Critical comment on the speech by President Nikolaus Schneider on the occasion of the awarding of the Buber-Rosenzweig Medal on March 10, 2012 in Leipzig
  2. Israel in increasing distress
  3. Where is the Lord?
  4. The derailment of a German writer

In issue number 181 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. “Annual slogan 2012”
  2. Book review “Salvation Universalism in the New Testament”
  3. Pseudo-Christian “love of Israel” means new debt

In issue number 180 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The Reich Message of God and the Jewish people
  2. “Let my people be your people!”
  3. The Truth About Oligarchic Russia
  4. Israel's danger from within
  5. The concrete danger from Iran

In issue number 179 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The “Messianic Confessional Community” in Israel
  2. 87. Press campaign
  3. Advancing Islamization worldwide
  4. From the 2010 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  5. Who determines people's paths?
  6. “But you have forgotten me, says the Lord GOD” (Ezek. 22:12).

In issue number 178 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Contribution to the Islam debate
  2. From the community life of the “Messianic Confessional Community” in Tel Aviv-Jaffo
  3. False Prophets in Our Day - The Business of Faith
  4. “Who will have compassion on you, O Jerusalem?” (Jeremiah 15:5)
  5. “(…) and expensive times and earthquakes every now and then” (Matt. 24:7b)
  6. More current news from the Middle East

In issue number 177 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Orthodoxy Today
  2. A (sham) peace process in the Middle East
  3. Why Israel's existence remains contested
  4. Limits of solidarity and dialogue with the Jewish state

In issue number 176 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. For our God is a consuming fire
  2. The bizarreness of Jewish sects in Israel
  3. Israel's race against time

In issue number 175 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Exegesis Job 3:20-26 and John 9:1-3
  2. From the 2009 economic report of the ZeLeM-Verein eV
  3. Wake-up call to the void?
  4. Domestic political unrest in Israel

In issue number 174 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. Human desires
  2. The Great Israel Report
  3. Is not the LORD in Zion, or is his King not there?
    (Jeremiah 8:19)
  4. Israel's 62nd Independence Day - A review

In issue number 173 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. An unholy alliance in Israel
  2. Content of the 86th press campaign
  3. 30 years of the “Messianic Confessional Community” in Israel
  4. Israel's repentance and forgiveness of sins
  5. 2010 was a fateful year for Israel?

In issue number 172 you will find the following topics, among others:

  1. The hidden culture war in the land of Zion
  2. Controversy regarding the Jewish mission with the Rhenish church
  3. Betrayal of Messiah Yeshua
  4. The temptation of the Jews

In issue number 171 you will find, among other things, the following topics:

  1. God is not a bigamist
  2. God thinks messianically
  3. Barack Hussein Obama - the do-gooder?
  4. From the economic report of the ZeLeM association
  5. Further reports from and about Israel


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Copyright: information from ZeLeM eV (2009)

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